My Books

“Print edition of this book is available. Contact the author ( for details.”
A refugee from civil war in Central America becomes the leader of a gang “clique” in Los Angeles. An American girl falls in love with him and follows him back to El Salvador after he’s deported. 90,000 words.

Potter Wickware arrived in Anchorage in June of 1976. After college at Berkeley in the turbulent sixties, he chose a career in a trade instead of going to graduate school, and became a welder. His union card became his passport to the Pipeline—and to crazy money.

“Print edition of this book is available. Contact the author ( for details.”
A look back at some of my published work: A girl’s interaction with a threatening stranger; a near-death experience at an industrial site; an unlikely interaction with Shining Path guerrillas in Peru. All in all, an hors d’oeuvres tray of some of the things I’ve seen and done.
Other Publications
Essays & Stories
The Day of 17 – Catamaran Literary Reader, Fall/Winter 2018
On the Navarro – Catamaran Literary Reader, Spring 2017
300 hours – East Bay Express, April 1996
Memoir, 10,000 words
Ship out of water – The Berkeley Monthly, Feb 1982
Literary memoir
Cool man, puddle of steel – New York Times, Feb 1979
Op-ed page essay
Chasing Cats – TRA (Toward Revolutionary Art) 2(3); 1972
Trade Books
Introductory chapter in anthology used in undergraduate bioethics courses (Glenn McGee, general editor)
Crazy Money: nine months on the Trans-Alaska Pipeline" – New York (Random House),1979
Memoir, commercial trade book
Symposium paper, first prize winner
Thiobacillus ferrooxidans: the fur gene and iron metabolism – San Francisco State University, May 1993
MA thesis
"Biotech Drug Development" – Pro-Health Communications, Inc., Aug 1995
Textbook chapter, pharmacology
"Bay Area Bridges to Bio-Science" – Laney College (Oakland, CA), Jan. 1995
Grant proposal: NIH grant proposal for biosciences education improvement
Newsletter: 200+ editions, vol 1-16. Research, patents, and early trials results
View Vol 16 No 12 (Dec 15, 1995)
NIH’s Roadmap Plots New Course For Biomedical Science – BioWorld Perspectives 1(28), 5 Jul 2007
Lead feature in an e-zine, about translational research
Faulty tower? – Pacific Sun 6 Jan 2005
A blind thrust fault under Mt. Tamalpais seems to connect the powerful fault systems of the East Bay with Marin County
Science blockade – The Nation 278(15):6; 19 Apr 2004
How the Patriot Act suppresses scientific exchange
US pressures publishers to honor trade embargoes – Nature Medicine 10(2):109, Feb 2004
An obscure agency of the US Treasury Dept. bars scientific manuscripts from Iran and other countries from being edited and reviewed.
Phenotype database opens for business – The Scientist 16(20):18, Oct 14, 2002
Database of drug interactions keyed to genotype commences operations at Stanford
Resurrecting the resurrection drug – Nature Medicine 8(9):908 Sep, 2002
How a life-saving drug for the Third World was rescued by a life-style drug for the first world
…And at the CDC – Nature Medicine 8(1):6 Jan, 2002
How the nation’s premier public health agency responded to 9-11
Proteomics technology: character references – Nature 413:869-875, Oct 25, 2001
Technology survey of equipment and services: overview, protein chips, mass spectrometry, high throughput & automation, software, comprehensive list of vendors.
Training in a hybrid discipline – NatureJobs 4, in Nature 413, Oct 25, 2001
Bioinformatics training is marred by over-emphasis of linear sequence and old-fashioned computer science, say Russ Altman (Stanford) and Francis Ouellette (Univ of British Columbia).
Researchers delve further into psoriasis genetics – Dermatology Times 22(9):16, Sep 2001
Genetics of a complex disease are gradually being resolved.
Goekermann Tx still hard to beat – Dermatology Times 22 Supp 4:S-11, Sep 2001
A psoriasis regime from the 1920’s holds up well to the best of today’s advanced therapies.
Strategies from around the world – Dermatology Times 22 Supp 4:S-20, Sep 2001
Local health economies and custom in Rx make for diversity of psoriasis treatments.
Special Report: Mathematics – NatureJobs 4-5, in Nature 413, Aug 9 2001
Dwindling interest by US students leads to imports of yet another vital commodity: mathematicians. Includes boxes on biostatistics, a growth industry, and math at the National Security Agency, the world’s largest employer of mathematicians.
Chemicals, drugs aggravate photodamage risk – Dermatology Times 22(6):34, June 2001
Specific occupations and substances put workers at risk.
The birthplace of biotech, California
Box: Davis sows seeds for future
Box: Bay Area building boom – Nature (NatureJobs) 411:398 ff., May 17, 2001
The San Francisco Bay Area, where biotech was born 25 years ago with the founding of Genentech, is now home to 800 biotech companies. Advertorial.
Labs and companies seek their niches as work continues after the draft
Following the growth of data
Needed: biologists who can create software – Nature 409:961-4 Feb 15 2001
Bioinformatics in the post-sequence era. Includes profile of UC Santa Cruz’s David Haussler.
Genomic prizes beckon at finish line of Joint Genome Institute’s Microbial Marathon – Bioinform 4(32) Dec 18 2000
DOE’s JGI can sequence a microbial genome in a day and a half.
CORBA shows signs of life in bioinformatics – Bioinform 4(30) Dec 2 2000
OMG’s middleware may be the answer for complex data types.
New NCBI Database Hopes to Become the GenBank for Gene Expression Information – Bioinform 4(28) Nov 20 2000
NCBI’s new gene expression database gets ready for an expected flood of data.
Functional genomics group highlights shift toward structure – Bioinform 4(29) Nov 27 2000
Software maker MSI forms Functional Genomics and High Throughput Crystallography working groups.
New company banks on secure gene data – Bioinform 4(25) Oct 30 2000
First Genetic Trust will encrypt patient data to improve trial security, informed consent.
Incyte defectors start new structure company – Bioinform 4(21) Oct 2 2000
Prospect Genomics will use advanced software to predict folds and docking interactions.
Berkeley to train biology’s next generation – Bioinform 4(20) Sep 25 2000
Joint NSF/NIH grants will produce the scientists and inventions of the post-genome age.
“Blue Gene” supercomputer aims to crack the folding problem – Bioinform 4(21) Oct 2 2000
IBM’s $100M massively parallel petaflop supercomputer will be devoted to protein structure.
Cobweb science: ontology weaves bioinformatics knowledge structures – Genome Technology, Oct 2000
The Bio-Ontologies Consortium aims to level bioinformatics’ Tower of Babel (reporting only; no byline).
Format, exchange standards strain to keep pace – The Scientist, July 24, 2000
Proliferation of data dialects is a growing problem in bioinformatics.
Genomics helps decipher PXE, IP defects – Dermatology Times 21(11):28, Nov 2000
DNA technology and clinical medicine come together in 2 multifactorial skin diseases (incontinentia pigmenti, pseudoxanthoma elasticum).
Topical dapsone may extend acne, itch Tx options – Dermatology Times, Oct 2000
Clever chemistry extends the range of a powerful antibiotic best known for its role in leprosy Tx.
Future is bright for engineered tissue – Dermatology Times, Oct 2000
Derm is the first specialty to benefit from tissue engineering; many others will follow.
Postdocs reject academic research
Organization pays – Nature 407:429-430 Sep 21, 2000
Highly educated scientists suffer a Malthusian employment crisis.
AHA announces support for the technique – Nature Medicine. 2000 Aug;6(8):845
American Heart Association decides that stem cells have a bright future in cardiology.
Troubled academic medical school escapes censure – Nature Medicine 6(7):724-5 July 2000
MCP Hahnemann, a 150-year old medical school in Philadelphia, survives in the age of the HMO.
US minorities stake their claim in science and engineering
Canadian aborigines get overlooked
Access to education provides a way out – Nature 405:717-8 8 June 2000
The plight of minorities in the world’s greatest locus of science and engineering
NIH revamps HIV vaccine trials unit – Nature Medicine 6(5):488 May 2000
NIH hopes reorganization will launch vaccine candidates
$1 million study renews HIV/transplant research – Nature Medicine 6(4):365 April 2000
Thanks to protease inhibitors, HIV+ patients can be good candidates for organ transplants
PLK, a prognostic indicator for thin melanomas – Dermatology Times, May 2000
A nuclear protein originally discovered in Drosophila as an identifier of a dangerous cancer
Next generation biologists must straddle computation and biology
Industry is draining bioinformatics talent from universities faster than it can be replenished
Multiple degrees for multiple disciplines
The power of prediction
Borrowing methods and models – Nature 404:683-688 6 April 2000
Careers and training in bioinformatics, plus profiles of three bioinformaticists
CHI speakers cite dropping costs and increasing speeds of genome analysis – Agricultural Genomics 3(6):4, 20 Mar 2000 & Bioinform 4(6), Mar 2000
Report from a genomics conference in San Francisco
Genetic basis of Papillon-Lefevre Syndrome discovered – Dermatology Times 21(2):12, Feb 2000
Defect in a lysosomal enzyme is at the root of a disease of skin and gum.
Latex allergy poses threat to patients, practitioners – Dermatology Times 21(2):16, Feb 2000
Rise in allergy and anaphylaxis is a side effect of AIDS/hepatitis epidemics.
Apoptosis-based approaches to BPH Tx – Urology Times, Feb 2000
Prognostication about gene-based options for treating prostate disease
Medical and device treatments for BPH compared – Urology Times, Feb 2000
Analysis of prostate disease options
Conservative Tx, extravagant cost in BPH – Urology Times, Feb 2000
The contradiction between treatment-conservative and cost-conservative practice
MAG’s demise signals trouble for bioinformatics firms – Nature Biotechnology 18(2):144, Feb 2000
Specialty software companies feel the pinch
Exploring the territory in tissue engineering
Progress from a fragile start
Insiders advise on first steps to a career – Nature 403(6768):464ff 27 Jan 2000
Three features on careers in tissue engineering
$150 Million for Biomedicine at Stanford – Nature Medicine 5 (12) p. 1338, Dec 1999
Stanford’s biggest ever gift for a multi-disciplinary life sciences center
Genetics in the information age – Bioinform (Bionformatics Publishing) 3(22), Nov 99
ASHG president says geneticists have replaced their microscopes with computers
Diversa fast-forwards evolution – Agricultural Genomics (Waters Publishing), Oct 99
Mass production discovery of unknown enzymes from unknown microbes
New funding boosts Canadian bioinformatics – Bioinform (Waters Publishing, New York), Sep 1999
Sequencing, networking and high performance computing in Canada.
Analysis is next “big crunch” – Bioinform 3(13):8 June 21, 1999
Galaxies of information in the Big Bang of genomics, from the CHI meeting in San Francisco
Chemistry by the numbers – Nature, Aug 19, 1999
Careers in combinatorial chemistry
The end of the brain drain – Nature, May 1999
Careers in startup companies; immigrants in the high-tech labor force
Expanding Canada’s knowledge base – Nature, Feb 11, 1999
Science and science careers in Canada
Engineered skin breaks wound-healing impasse – Dermatology Times, July-October, 1999
How immunology and materials science make life easier for burn patients and others
Future bright for pediatric derm therapies – Dermatology Times, July-October, 1999
State of the art in ringworm, scleroderma, lichen slcerosus, etc. treatments
Battlefield medicine benefits general dermatology – Dermatology Times, July-October, 1999
Spinoffs to general derm from mustard gas research
Melanoma vaccines make progress – Dermatology Times, July-October, 1999
Melanoma vaccines – still in a relatively crude state of development – are surveyed
Difficult choices in pediatric hemangioma Tx – Dermatology Times, July-October, 1999
Kasabach-Merritt Phenomenon, a life-threatening vascular tumor in children
Chickenpox vaccination prevents deadly strep infection – Dermatology Times, July-October, 1999
Necrotizing fasciitis as a complication of chickenpox
Topical lidocaine patch allays shingles pain – Dermatology Times, July-October, 1999
A new way to cope with an old medical problem
Dermatology at the beginning of the Golden Age – Dermatology Times, July-October, 1999
Cancer cures and other advances are foreseen by a department head at Rockefeller University
Genomics will change dermatology, research chief predicts – Dermatology Times, July-October, 1999
Crystal ball-gazing by the head of the Nat Inst Allergic & Musculoskeletal Diseases
Skin lesion diagnosis in 3-D – Dermatology Times, July-October, 1999
How to evaluate observations from epiluminescence microscopy
Current trends in dermatologic surgery – Dermatology Times, July-October, 1999
Skin cancer linked to organ transplants; imaging technology for pigmented lesions; dermatoscopy; sentinel node biopsy
Vitamin E: Conventional wisdom wrong again – Dermatology Times, July-October, 1999
Topical vitamin E to soften scars probably doesn’t work
Electronic urology meetings in the new millennium – Urology Times, mid-1999
The Web will change doctor-patient relations and awarding of CME credits
New directions in stone management – Urology Times, mid-1999
How new technology has changed treatment
To scope or shock? — optimal treatment for ureteral calculi – Urology Times, mid-1999
Relative benefits of shock wave lithotripsy and endoscopy are weighed
Open surgery may still be appropriate – Urology Times, mid-1999
Sometimes the only way to get rid of stones is to cut
Doctors are key to resolving US managed care crisis, experts say – Urology Times, mid-1999
Views on the crisis in healthcare costs and coverage in the US
Welcome to Kobe-by-the-Bay – East Bay Express 21(13):4 Jan 1, 1999
Seismology, paleoseismology: a USGS scientist predicts a large quake in Berkeley
Water and welfare: hydrology options – Nature 396:496 Dec 3 1998
The Third World has a particular need for good water management
Problem solving for the whole earth – Nature 396:493 Dec 3 1998
Careers in geosciences, from the NAS symposium “Minerals, geology and human welfare,” Irvine, CA, Nov 1998
History and Technique of Cloning, in The Human Cloning Debate – Berkeley Hills Books (Berkeley, CA), Sep, 1998
Introduction to an anthology for the general reader
Diagnosis & treatment of ejaculatory duct obstruction – Urology Times, early 1999
Clinical practice
Predicting treatment success for male infertility – Urology Times, early 1999
Clinical practice
Disturbing trends in male reproductive health – Urology Times, early 1999
Epidemiology: there seems to be a worldwide trend of falling sperm counts and increases in hypospadias
Anomalies following ART & ICSI – Urology Times, early 1999
Epidemiology: there seems to be a worldwide trend of falling sperm counts and increases in hypospadias
SRY and the testis-determining factor – Urology Times, early 1999
Y chromosome genetics
Newly discovered fertility genes on Y chromosome – Urology Times, early 1999
Y chromosome genetics
Researchers delve into DAZ to expand fertility Tx – Urology Times, Jan 1999
Y chromosome genetics
Posthumous reproduction – Urology Times, Jan 1999
Medicine & law discussion, based on the case of a woman who had sperm recovered from her deceased 19 year old son to be used to conceive her future grandchild
Partnerships and the critical mass – Nature 395:410-11, Sep 24, 1998
Money from large industrial partners supports basic research but may compromise scientific integrity
Legal recourse: alternatives in science careers – Nature, June 4, 1998
Hybrid science careers
Action at the edges: careers in cancer research – Nature, Mar 29, 1998
The head of the Institut Curie is eloquent about opportunities and need in this field
Favouring the brave: cell biology careers – Nature, Feb 19, 1998
The future is very bright, says the head of life sciences at Lawrence Berkeley Lab
Between threshold and ceiling: women and minorities in science – Nature, Dec. 1997
Their under-representation is due more to their education before university than to discrimination at the professional level
Choices & challenges in bioinformatics careers – Nature, Sep 25, 1997
Careers at the junction of biology and computing
Complexity theory & mechanisms of bladder cancer – Urology Times, June, 1998
Clinical research
Biomarkers of bladder cancer – Urology Times, June, 1998
Clinical research
Effect of estrogen and pregnancy on the bladder – Urology Times, June, 1998
Clinical research
Computerized image analysis – Dermatology Times, 1997
Digital imaging in medicine based on fractal analysis
Effect of managed care on graduate education – Dermatology Times, 1997
Public policy & medicine: medical schools and teaching hospitals are on the verge of a drastic financial shock
New topical antioxidants: facts and misconceptions – Dermatology Times
Vitamin C-based “cosmeceuticals”
Medirisk, a new Academy service – Dermatology Times
An algorithm that helps doctors judge their HMOs
Legislative action and HMOs at the State level – Dermatology Times
Politics and medicine
AUA treatment guidelines for erectile dysfunction – Modern Medicine, Dec 97
Clinical guidelines on the eve of Viagra
The molecular basis of erection – Modern Medicine, Dec 97
Physiologically the process is quite intricate
Drugs to treat impotence: present and future – Modern Medicine, Dec 97
Injections, pellets, and a forecast of Viagra
How to manage hair loss in children – Chronicle of Skin & Allergy (Toronto)
Practical tips for clinicians
Managing arthropod infestations in children – Chronicle of Skin & Allergy (Toronto)
Practical tips for clinicians
New antibiotics for dermatology – Chronicle of Skin & Allergy (Toronto)
Practical tips for clinicians
Advances in sclerotherapy – Chronicle of Skin & Allergy (Toronto)
Practical tips for clinicians
Eyelid dermatitis – Chronicle of Skin & Allergy (Toronto)
Practical tips for clinicians
Alopecia in children – Chronicle of Skin & Allergy (Toronto)
Practical tips for clinicians
After the deluge: photographing California wildflowers in 1997 – Quarterly Magazine of the Museum of California, March, 1997
Nature photography feature
Middle ground is key to lowering blood pressure – Modern Medicine, Spring- Summer, 1997
Hypertension dangerous to diabetics – Modern Medicine, Spring- Summer, 1997
Pregnancy, drugs and dermatology – Modern Medicine, Spring- Summer, 1997
Difficult fungal infections – Modern Medicine, Spring- Summer, 1997
Quality control issues in dermatology – Modern Medicine, Spring- Summer, 1997
Patient information sheets – Modern Medicine, Spring- Summer, 1997
New medications for psoriasis – Modern Medicine, Spring- Summer, 1997
Out in a flash: treating birthmarks with the flashlamp-pulsed dye laser – Chronicle of Skin & Allergy, August, 1996
Dermatology, medical lasers
Russian biofeedback method allays asthma panic – Modern Medicine
“Red Alert” plan aims to stave off asthma deaths – Modern Medicine
Acute asthma attacks are up, especially in minority children
Asthma and the mind-body problem – Modern Medicine
Self-monitoring benefits asthma patients – Modern Medicine
Psoriasis update: cyclosporine not a last resort – Chronicle of Skin & Allergy Apr 1996
Pharmacology: a powerful drug against a recalcitrant condition
Hand-to-wrist combat – Rehab Management, Oct 1995
Sports injuries of the hand & wrist
Muscle weakness – Project House/Merck Feb-Apr 1994
Health encyclopedia article
Sweating disorders – Project House/Merck Feb-Apr 1994
Health encyclopedia article
Sunlight and the skin – Project House/Merck Feb-Apr 1994
Health encyclopedia article
Superficial skin disorders – Project House/Merck Feb-Apr 1994
Health encyclopedia article
Dermatologic mimics of child abuse – Dermatology Times, April, 1997
Dermatology, pediatrics. Unfortunately, the real thing is more common than the mimic
Jet injection could allay fear and pain of needle – Chronicle of Urology & Sexual Medicine, 1997
A pre-Viagra urological expedient
Canadian study confirms Alprostadil efficacy – Chronicle of Urology & Sexual Medicine, 1997
A pre-Viagra urological expedient
Endocrine therapy for male contraception considered – Chronicle of Urology & Sexual Medicine, 1997
A pre-Viagra urological expedient
Psychiatric problems foil erectile dysfunction treatment – Chronicle of Urology & Sexual Medicine, 1997
When attitude overrules altitude
Cosmetics for the practicing dermatologist – Dermatology Times
Dermatology 1997: where are we heading? – Dermatology Times
5-alpha reductase inhibitors and androgenic alopecia – Dermatology Times
Contracting with managed care – Dermatology Times
Martinez explosion punctuates refinery safety debate – East Bay Express, (Berkeley, CA) Jan 23, 1997
Feature article: public safety, environmental politics
“My Wife Smells Something”: West Oakland’s Toxics Scare – East Bay Express, Nov 29, 1996
Feature article: environmental toxicology, public health
Unocal Refinery fire reignites dioxin fears – East Bay Express, May 31, 1996
Feature article: environment, chemistry
Controversy plagues biotech training project – East Bay Express, Aug 2, 1996
Feature article: biotechnology, education
Unwelcome guest: vinyl chloride in Cypress path – East Bay Express, Sep 6, 1996
Environmental chemistry in a popular newspaper
From Merlin to Milpitas: the next frontier in California biotech – Quarterly Magazine of the Museum of California, Summer, 1992
Biotech industry & science survey
Is spirometry practical in your office? – Patient Care (Miller-Freeman pubs.), 1979
Review of pulmonary function test equipment
Moth-bat combat – Science Digest, 1975
Animal behavior: Noctuid moths have a sonar-jamming organ
Tech Publications
Marketing copy, online help
Contract writing – Structural Bioinformatics, Inc (San Diego), Feb-Jun 2000
Marketing copy, print & online help
GeneCat (“Panther” technology, spun off to Celera) – Molecular Applications Group (MAG), Palo Alto, CA, Fall, 1999
Software for genome functional analysis using remote homology detection based on Hidden Markov Models and threading. Online help.
Stingray, expression analysis system, versions 1.0, 1.1 (technology spun off to Affymetrix) – MAG, Apr-Sep 1999
User guide + reference for client-server system for analysis of "DNA on a chip" microarray expression data. Includes sysadmin installation guide
GeneMine Enterprise – MAG, Jan-Apr 1998
User guide & reference + sysadmin reference for automated bioinformatics search engine and relational database software
DiscoveryBase – MAG, Jan-Apr 1998
Packaged genetic + structure database software for drug discovery & research
Look v3 + Modeling Package – MAG, Apr-Dec, 1997
User guide + reference manual for workstation-based sequence analysis + structural modeling software
Discovery Engine – MAG, Apr-Dec 1997
User guide + reference manual for SGI workstation-based automated bioinformatics network search engine software
MacLook 2.1 – MAG, Apr-May 1997
User manual for protein structural modeling software
MANSCAN 3.0 – SAM/EEG Technology, Inc., San Francisco, CA; Aug-Nov 1996
Quick guide, reference manual, 5 appendices, online help, programmer documentation for high-resolution brain-mapping software based on integrating EEG trace and MRI scan information.
"FM-BIO User Manual" – Hitachi Software Engineering, Ltd., (HISAL) San Bruno, CA, Sep 1995
User manual for laser-excited fluorescence gel scanning hardware + digital image generation and analysis software
"DNASIS for Windows User Manual" – HISAl, Apr 1995
User manual for comprehensive DNA/RNA/protein sequence + structure analysis software
Gene Bright for Apple Macintosh – HISAL, Dec 1994
User manual for software + hardware for homology-matching based on the Smith-Waterman algorithm
"EasyReader for Windows, User Manual" – HISAL, Feb 1994
User manual for DNA sequence/Western blot gel scanning software
"MacDNASIS User Manual Versions 1-3" – HISAL, 1991-94
User manuals for multiple versions of a popular molecular biology package
"CD-STRAINS, a Microorganism Database" – HISAL, Sep 1993
User manual and product literature for CD-ROM microbiology database